Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario: Everything You Need to Know

As a tenant in Ontario, you may find yourself needing to end your tenancy agreement for various reasons. Whatever the reason may be, the first step towards ending your tenancy agreement is to submit an Agreement to End Tenancy Form to your landlord. This form serves as an official notice to your landlord that you intend to end your tenancy and vacate the property.

In this article, we`ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario, including when and how to use it.

When Should You Use the Agreement to End Tenancy Form?

You should use the Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario when you want to end your tenancy and move out of the rental unit. You may need to end your tenancy for various reasons, such as finding a new place to live, relocation, job loss, or financial difficulties. Whatever the reason may be, you must give your landlord proper notice before you move out.

How Much Notice Should You Give Your Landlord?

In Ontario, tenants are required to give their landlord at least 60 days` written notice before the termination date. You can use the Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario to provide this notice to your landlord.

How to Fill Out the Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario

The Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario is a simple one-page form that you can easily fill out and submit to your landlord. Here`s a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the form:

1. Start by entering your full name, current address, and the rental unit address in the spaces provided at the top of the form.

2. Next, indicate the date you`re giving notice and the termination date. The termination date is the date on which you plan to move out of the rental unit.

3. Indicate your reason for ending the tenancy. You can choose from the following options: moving to another rental unit, purchasing a home, job relocation, or other (specify).

4. Sign and date the form at the bottom.

5. Finally, make a copy of the form for your records and give the original to your landlord.


In conclusion, ending a tenancy agreement in Ontario requires proper notice to your landlord. The Agreement to End Tenancy Form Ontario is a simple form that you can use to provide this notice to your landlord. Make sure to give your landlord at least 60 days` written notice before the termination date and keep a copy of the form for your records. With this information, you should be able to end your tenancy agreement smoothly and with minimal hassle.